Lutheran Women’s Missionary League   


Bethlehem Lutheran Ladies Society annually supports missions such as:

Concordia Seminary Food Bank
River House Inc.
Lydia’s Gate
His Love Family Resources
American Bible Society
Concordia Seminary - St. Louis
Bethlehem Altar Guild

Thank you for helping us continue our mission to help those in need in “His” Community

The Widow’s Offering

Of all the giving referenced in the Bible, the widow’s mite may be the most familiar (Luke 21:1-4).  The widow had so much faith and trust in the Lord that she was willing to give all she had. The rich gave large gifts, but their giving had no effect on their style of living.  They gave for personal recognition.  The only person who noticed the widow’s offering was Jesus, and He commended her for her sacrificial giving.  From a trusting, grateful heart, she gave her only two coins as a thank offering.  How generous to give away her entire income!  However, she trusted that God would provide.  “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).  Her giving glorified God.  Does your giving reflect your love and trust in the Lord?   


Based on the Biblical account of the widow's mite (Luke 21:1–4), the Mite Box is intended for regular contributions of "mites" — offerings above and beyond the support given to congregations and the LCMS. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program. Mite boxes are available in the Narthex and may be turned in prior to  June 20th, September 19th or November 21st.

For More information visit:

Ladies Society is having a FIRE SALE! 

Cookbooks are $5.00.  Small Platters are $2.00 and Large Platters are $3.00.  

See display in the Fellowship Hall.  Please give your money to Jaci Roark.
