The Youth Group and congregation members are decorating 4 trees on the West side of the church property with Christmas lights. Drive by some evening and enjoy the festive lights.
Rev. Dr. Rick Wolfram, Michigan District, and Pastor Steven Thiel bless the entrances to the church and sanctuary.
We celebrated with fellowship and a potluck lunch after the service.
The Michigan Districr's door was signed by the attendees. Congregations decorated doors for the event.
Over 1,000 members were in the Adult and Children's Choirs from all over Michigan.
Marilyn Eileen
John & Bonnie Tom & Denise Mark & Carol
Pastor Thiel asking for a blessing Sean and Emily Karl welcoming everyone
Robert Thiel displayed his artwork.
Adam Thiel's art and photography were also shown for our enjoyment.
Porter Carol
Mark Jaci Norm
Ellen Susan Marilyn
Cheryl Sherry (the shy one)
A big Thank You to Thrivent Financial Services for the grant to help pay for this.